Following the success of the Plogging event held in 2022, this year Engraw carried out three more initiatives. These projects were led by Cecilia Capobianco, our prevention technician and sustainability manager, who is, among many other things, passionate about the environment and sports.
Successful events were held in collaboration with CAIF (The CAIF—Centre for Childhood and Family Care—in Uruguay is a programme that provides comprehensive care for children aged 0 to 3 and support for their families, promoting early childhood development and social inclusion) and the Fray Marcos Public Secondary School, as well as another event with Aldeas Infantiles (Aldeas Infantiles SOS Uruguay is a non-governmental organisation that works to ensure the right of children and adolescents to grow up in a family).
We believe that the commitment to caring for the environment should not only be focused within the company but also extended to the community around us. We are extremely proud of these initiatives and the engagement they fostered. We thank Cecilia and everyone who helped make these events possible.
For those unfamiliar with the term, plogging is an innovative sustainable initiative that originated in Sweden. It combines sports such as running, walking, or cycling with environmental care. The goal is to collect litter found while out and about.