Meet Fernando Artola, Manager of La Porfía. He is one of Engraw’s proud wool growers, that belongs to a family with a long tradition in sheep breeding:
“I would say that I belong to the third generation.
I have been in this land for 38 years.
My family has been producing sheep since 1925.
It is something that we are passionate about and something we carry with us.
It is imprinted in who we are”
He enjoys countryside's sunsets and the slower pace of life that comes from it:
“I’d say that working with sheep, is a ground wire, a way of reconnecting with ourselves.”
A conscious approach to our environment is in the core values of La Porfía.
“Working in an ecologic way. Those of us here and now care, so that the coming generations can work in peace, our children and the ones that shall come after.”
In Uruguay sheep growers care and respect the animal. Fernando is no exception.
“The sheep is a very noble animal. Very resistant and adapts well to these lands. They are a fine animal in every sense. Animal wellbeing is part of our lifestyle.“